Chhe is an upcoming new Crime/Thriller Bengali-language web series. Directed by Tanim Parvez produced by Shohag Chowdhury and Production Company by An Eros Now Original.
Story :-
Baby crying in mother's lap! Flaring fire, corpse in the yard. Professors lecture, burned out Lab! Murder! Conspiracy? Watch the official trial of " Chhe ".
Trailer :-
Movie Details :-
Movie. — Chhe
Genre. — Crime/ Thriller.
Director. — Tamim Parvez.
Producer. — Shohag Chowdhury.
Company. — An Eros Now Original.
Music Director. — Raef Al Hasan Rafa.
Language. — Bengali.
Release Date. — 2022.
Cast :-
* Tariq Anam Khan.
* Iftakhher Ahmed Fahmi.
* Sadia Islam Mou.
* Yash Rohan.
* Shohel Mondol.
* Sumon Anowar.
* Dilruba Dowel.
* Manosh Bandyopadhyay.
* Arosh Khan.