Godfather is an upcoming Indian Telugu-language political action film directed by Mohan Raja and produced by Ram Charan, R. B. Choudary and N. V. Prasad, it is a remake of the 2019 Malayalam-language film Lucifer. The film stars Chiranjeevi alongside Salman Khan, Nayanthara, Puri Jagannadh and Satyadev Kancharana.
Teaser :-
Cast :-
- * Chiranjeevi.
- * Salman Khan
- * Nayanthara.
- * Puri Jagannadh.
- * Satyadev Kancharana.
* Samuthirakani.
* Gangawa.
* Sunil Brahmaji.
* Murali Sharma.
* Divi Vadthya.
Release :-
Godfather is planned to release in cinemas on 5 October, 2022 in Telugu along with a dubbed version in Hindi. The film will be distributed in india by Konidela Production Company along PVR Pictures while the overseas distribution is by Sarigama Cinemas through Phara Film.